Student Mental Health

About this article

We’ve put together this article to help you support and engage the mental health sector and people experiencing mental health problems, especially students. We will use Desktop Power bi to visualize the data and get insights from it. We will talk about Student Mental Health Issues (in 2020) and analyze their causes and consequences. Studying is likely to bring a number of changes to your life. It can be enjoyable and interesting, but it can also be challenging.


This article provides an introduction to the special issue of college student mental health. we will see that Students are at higher risk of developing mental health problems.

Source of the data

The Dataset was collected by a Google form survey from University students in the United States in 2020 to examine their current academic situation and mental health. The number of observations in this dataset is 100. The Data Source is Kaggle:

Average age

The average age in my data observations is 20.53

Figure 1. The average age in the dataset

The large proportion of students are under 25 and around three-quarters of adults with a mental illness have their first episode before turning 25.

Total of anxiety

As we can see, we have 34 students from 100 that have anxiety.

Figure 2. The total number of students that have anxiety (out of 100)

This is because becoming a student can be a stressful experience. Although stress isn’t a mental health problem, it can lead to mental health problems like depression and anxiety.

Panic attack by domain

Figure 3. The count of the number of panic attack by the domain

First we can see how many Panic attacks we have in each domain. For example, in the BCS and engineering we have around 17 panic attacks but in laws and Islamic education the panic attacks are rare.

As a student, you might have left home for the first time, or just don’t have enough time to see your friends and family. Not having a good support network can make you vulnerable to developing Panic attacks.

Depression by age

Figure 4. The number of students that have depression by the age

Here we can see that young student have more depression than other ones. So for the student in age 18 we have 11 case of depression but this number decrease to become 1 in age 21 years.

Table of GPA by depression and anxiety

Figure 5. The sum of depression and anxiety according to the GPA

In this table we have the sum of depression and anxiety according to the GPA, with higher GPA we have higher cases of depression and anxiety. Which can be understood by the fact that students who are interested in their grades and scores are more likely to be exposed to these feelings of anxiety and depression unlike the neglected students who don’t show interest in their grades.

Anxiety by year and Marital status

Figure 6. The sum of Anxiety by the current year of study

We can see that in the first year we have more anxiety and this problem become less frequent in the second and third year. And in the fourth year we see that the anxiety is so rare. Also we can see here that the anxiety is affected by Marital status for example, in the first year we don’t have married students yet, but in the fourth year we can see that the probability to have anxiety is the same for married or single students.

Anxiety by gender

Figure 7. The percentage of anxiety by the gender

This donut chart shows us that the female is more likely to have anxiety than male.

Anxiety by domain

Figure 8. The sum of anxiety according to the domain

In this histogram, we see that the anxiety depends on the domain we study in the University. Like the panic attack, the student in engineering and BIT have more anxiety than the others in law and accounting for example.

Panic attack by GPA

Figure 9. The count of number of panic attack according to the GPA

Surprised we see that the students with high GPA can be more exposed to panic attacks than the students with low GPA. This shows us that persistent students are affected more than others.

Total of Panic attacks

In this survey we have 33 case out of 100 of panic attack.

Figure 10. Sum of cases of panic attack out of 100

This is a high rate so we need to look for a practical solution to this problem like building strong bonds and connecting to youth to protect their mental health.

Average of depression

Also the average of depression is 0.35

Figure 11. The average of depression cases

So more than a third of students suffer from depression.

The treatment

And the number of people who have treatment is only 2.

Figure 12. The number of student with treatment (out of 100)

This shows us the importance of conducting awareness campaigns to urge students in need to get their treatment.

Depression by treatment

This is also shown by the pie chart so we have about 82 % of students are not receiving the treatment they need

Figure 13. The percentage of depression cases according to if they get the treatment or no

Panic attack by current year of study

Here, too, we see the number of students in the first year with panic attack is so high 43. In the second and third year is approximately the same.

In the fourth year we have 8 students.

Figure 14. The count of panic attack cases by the current year of study

Here we conclude that younger students are more exposed to panic attacks than students who are in the last year.

Results & Conclusions

As conclusion, we can say that becoming a student can be a stressful experience. The anxiety depends on the domain we study in the University. In the BCS and engineering domains, we have more panic attacks than in laws and Islamic education. Also, with higher GPA we have a lot of cases of depression and anxiety.

In the first year we have more anxiety and this problem become less frequent in the second and third year. And in the fourth year we see that the anxiety is so rare. In addition to this, female is more likely to have anxiety than male.

Moreover, the students in engineering and BIT have more anxiety than the others in law and accounting. We conclude also that more than a third of students suffer from depression, and about 82 % of students are not receiving the treatment they need. In the end, we can say that younger students are more exposed to panic attacks than students who are in the last year.

In summary, adolescence is a time for young people to have a healthy start in life, but the number of students reporting poor mental health is increasing. Building strong bonds and connecting to youth can protect their mental health. Also, Schools and parents can create protective relationships with students and help them grow into healthy adulthood.


2 réflexions au sujet de « Student Mental Health »

  1. Life in all its stages, be it as a student, a working professional, a spouse, a parent or an elderly person…,
    is stressful !!!!

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